gone oh yes my life is ticking away ticking away as the days minutes and seconds slip past gone never to return nothing holds fast everything will pass pass into oblivion pass away from memory[…]

gone oh yes my life is ticking away ticking away as the days minutes and seconds slip past gone never to return nothing holds fast everything will pass pass into oblivion pass away from memory[…]
As children, seeing things for the first time was always exciting. There was so much wonder and delight in peeling away mystery like the layers of an onion. (What a surprise to find the third and fourth layers weren’t like paper anymore.) “Brand new” wasn’t so hard to come[…]
rings of hematite rings of jade hard but brittle rings of old rings of gold bands bonds firm but crystalline circular manifestation rotating ramifications phases in fluxation seasons in secession seized and ceased scenes and dreams phobias and paranoias fits of weeping floods of joy and laughter the[…]